Thes Shift of Focus Installation

Isabelle Schad

The shift of focus means adjusting the weight in relation to how we position ourselves from our own centre of gravity towards an action. On a metaphorical level it also refers to how we perceive the world with/and its current crisis – and ourselves in this world. How we can shift our perspectives, our perception and focus, to other more universal forces?

For this research installation the visual artist Umberto Freddi has developed a landscape of different panels that interact with seven performers and their movements, energies and rhythms. They reflect images like dreams and light as an energetic prolongation of the performers/spectators.

The work plays with polarities and balance, oscillating between heavy and light, dark and bright, playful and contained, dreamlike and real, one reality and another; between archetypes, fluid identities and hybrid bodies; between a single person and a group.

Along the way a web of connectivities unfolds, intertwining bodies and material, poetry and humour, archetypal and universal images. The durational performance/installation unfolds a presence of breath and vibration, a timeless quality of contemplation prolonging the NOW.

July, 1-3, 2022 Tanzhalle and Werkhalle Wiesenburg Sommer.festival